Firedave trading Betfair with Bet Angel

Documenting my experiences with Bet Angel using BetFair. This will be used to record my progress as I take trading on full time.

Bet Angel - The most effective tool for Betfair

I increased the tick size up to 50p for my first Saturday. I took a few zeroes but only one loss which was overshadowed by some decent gains. It was interesting how the Thirsk races were getting more money ploughed into the market than some of the Galway races that were being shown on the tv. I feel I am beginning to be correct more often about the direction of the market although this "feel" has to be improved so that I am more confident to build the number of turns I get in the market. More practise required so that I can build the amount of money I am trading with.

Today p&l £5.56