Firedave trading Betfair with Bet Angel

Documenting my experiences with Bet Angel using BetFair. This will be used to record my progress as I take trading on full time.

Bet Angel - The most effective tool for Betfair
Aug 5, 2008

Lack of posts

Hi! Sorry for the long time off period. I will be updating my blog over the next few weeks as a lot has happened since my last post. Getting more in to scraping, and in to the proper world of trading rather than odds betting. I have also had a mentoring session, which I will talk about in a separate post. The bank is up to £90 with only a couple of days trading from my last post. I will go over a few of the techniques that I have tried and failed, and that I have been more successful with. Also, I will have a couple of posts on whether this might be something I would like to do more full time, and commercial decisions that this would influence. The betfair market, reliability and sustainability are all aspects that I will be looking at as the credit crunch is well under way. Please keep posted, and I enjoy reading all the comments I have been getting. If anyone is keen to purchase the full license for Bet Angel, then please use the links on my blog. :)